Sunday, 6 January 2008


The following 6 part series are notes from a seminar I led in the summer of 2006 looking at missional church planting ...

Have you ever asked questions such as: -

“Could I be part of a church planting team?”

“If so what would I have to offer?”

“What should I expect if I get involved in a church plant?”

“Is there a special type of person who can be involved in a church plant?”

In order to try and address some of these questions I thought it would be fun to start by looking at a “person specification” (like in a job application pack) of a church planting team member. I want to do this by drawing on the shining example of an amazing bunch of people who often get overlooked as they sit in the shadow of one of histories greatest examples of a pioneering leader – Nehemiah. Books and books have been written on the lessons we can learn from the life and leadership of Nehemiah; however, I want us to look behind him and see the type people who made up the team who stood with him as co-worker and co-pioneers to see the God given vision of a restored Jerusalem come into reality. In 52 days these ‘ordinary’ men, women and children saw Jerusalem’s walls emerge out of the rubble of disgrace and dishonour, and with it, set us an example of what it means to be part of a pioneering church planting team.

6 essential characteristics for a church planting team member

1. Responds to God’s call

Nehemiah 2:17-18 describes the moment when Nehemiah unveils to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, his God implanted dream to see the walls of Jerusalem rebuilt. Listen to the response of the people:

“Then I gave them my report: “Face it: we’re in a bad way here. Jerusalem is a wreck; its gates are burned up. Come – let’s build the wall of Jerusalem and not live with this disgrace any longer.” I told them how God was supporting me and how the king was backing me up. They said, “we’re with you. Let’s get started …” (Neh 2:17-18)

# Firstly, anyone involved in a church planting team must be able to live with, and for a dream. Nehemiah called the people of God to arise and build a dream that up until that point may never have seemed remotely possible. Yet when the vision of a restored Jerusalem was shared they had to handle living with the tension of the ‘now situation’ and the ‘vision of what is to come’. The walls were burned and destroyed, but the vision was of a glorious restored city!

# Secondly, If you want to be part of a church planting team, you need to know, that you know, that God is in it! I've tried my hardest to ensure that everyone who has looked to join us at Christ Community Church are certain, in the deep parts of their heart, that God has spoken called them. Why? Because as this story shows, church planting is about being on the front line, facing opposition, and being exposed to enemy attack. If you aren’t certain that God is in the call to plant a church and secondly that you are meant to be part of it, it’s likely when pressure starts to break over your life you will feel tempted to give up!

Lorna and I have a number of prophetic words, which God has spoken over us with regard to our involvement in church planting in Norfolk. We hold these close to our hearts and when setbacks arise (and they do), we bring them to mind.

Church panting team members must feed off the bread of vision!

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